Rates include 6 % Sales Tax & 2 % Lodging Tax
$30 1st Night - RV or Tent camping without horses per night - Lower Level
$30 1st Night - Horse Camping (2) and one vehicle w/horse trailer - Upper Level Horse Activities
$25 Additional Nights - All Levels
$5 Additional vehicle or tent per night - All Levels
$5 Additional horse at same campsite (Highline or Travel Corral) per night
$10 Day Rider Use Fee per vehicle - Please Note - No riding through the campground to access trails without paying!
$25 Using corrals at another camp site regardless if no one else is at that camp site
Camping/staying or visiting Cowboy Campground @ Legacy Park is at your own Risk!
Horse Campers, you can hire our Camp Host to clean your corrals.
We are dry camping currently, we do have water available but asked to be conservative, Idaho City is on water saving measures. Please use sparingly and don't overfill your tanks.
Please Pay at Time of Arrival! Pay Envelopes at Pay Station, upper level area!
Cowboy Campground Pricing
Additional Campground Services
Propane Tank Exchange
Camp Host Available to Clean Corral
Firewood for Sale
Camp Host "Mike" is looking for campers, don't disappoint and come up camp and keep our volunteer host, of the most 'Est, busy and happy
Rent the Courtyard for your event.
Want to book at Cowboy Campground?
Get in touch so we can start working together.